Side effects are Real Effects


Side effects of the pain itself can include fear, anger, loss of job productivity, gaining large medical bills, loss of medical insurance, loss of economic productivity, loss of family time and activities, loss of libido, increased use of medications, weight gain, decreased movement, loss of social activities, loss of trust in family members and deconditioning, body stiffness, and social isolation...and the worst: total frustration.

Although the alternative therapies used herein are thought to be safe and effective, everyone's body is different. If a therapy we use makes you uncomfortable in any way, discontinue.

Side effects of Opioids given for pain relief Download PDF (1,315 KB)

More side effects of Opioids, A Professional from a residential pain recovery center explains hyperalgesia (over sensitivity to pain)
Click here to learn more about opioid-induced hyperalgesia with a podcast given by Ashley's Pain Recovery Specialist, Scott Dehorty, MSW.

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