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  • Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Pain are commonly encountered, disabling conditions. Usually chronic pain is invisable and brings with it fatigue, depression, anxiety, headaches, poor concentration and frustration --not to mention the throbbing muscle aches, the insomnia, the agony. And we want others to know it is real. Infact, one might expect society to accept it as real . . . but often it isn’t the case.
Employers, disability care providers, family and friends have a habit of “pushing back” against the reality of these afflictions. This attitude has a tendency to stigmatize the people that suffer from them, making it difficult for them to be taken seriously, and to have the will to seek the treatment they need.

A fascinating study available to the public by reports that supportive therapy proved better than many medications typically prescribed for Fibro. See

No wonder everyone is confused!
Medication alone is no longer the sole solution! Try another solution, try working with someone who cares and who has been there -- personally experienced the invisible anguish of chronic pain/fatigue.
Do you feel embarassment when others see you using medical equipment?
Do you feel ashamed that you are not accomplishing your personal, developmental, relational goals due to chronic pain?
Do people second guess your situation when you use Handicapped parking and other options?
I provide evidenced-based alternative and integrative sessions using a combination of Talk Therapy, Self-Compassion Meditation, Tapping (Energy Psychology), Guided Imagery, Integral Consciousness, Coaching and other techniques and services to help you feel supported in your journey to feel better.

Also, you may want to check out learning "self-compassion meditation" which we could try together. For a fascinating list of medical research outcomes of meditation go to

Or maybe you want premier concierge services for highly successful individuals. Your time is valuable and privacy imperative. Commuting to psychotherapy appointments round trip with parking can take two hours or more in the middle of the day. And a therapy office is not really private. With concierge services you get fast access to appointments, convenient services from your home or office, flexible appointment times, HIPAA secure video conferencing and the compassion you deserve.

Use your 'down time' now while you are working on healing your body to reduce your other, non-pain related issues. A strong rationale exists to improve on the medical model of pain management and develop fast-acting, useful bio- psycho social spiritual (coaching/psychotherapy) interventions for pain and associated sorrow reduction. Bio psycho social spiritual are really just fancy terms to mean integrative care (mind body spirit). This is combination of traditional and alternative methods to reduce chronic pain and chronic sorrow by dealing with older family/significant other issues or by dealing with current, frustrations such as career issues. This means that you do continue to work with a medical provider for traditional choices of improving your life by participating in objective tests, by taking prescribed medications if you and your doctor decide to use them and so on.

However, for a more bio psycho social spiritual solution, you may look outside of your own psychology and biology. A model such as that helps you look at all your features -- your mind, body, spirit and your deepest self, your thoughts your moods; and also the people in your environment, the people in your social system, school/work place, community and the medical system or systems in which you are trying to find wellness.

For mood and sleep problems, what about medication vs psychotherapy?

Research strongly supports the use of medication for stubborn depression, anxiety and sleep issues. I am aware of the research linking neurotransmitters and synapse activities to persistent symptoms. I am not against medication for any condition for which the patient believes it is helping and a physician is prescribing. However, it also is established that the long-term solution to mental and emotional problems and the pain they cause cannot be solved solely by medication for some individuals. This is why the integrative approach is so helpful! Instead of just treating the symptom, integrative therapies addresses the cause of our distress and the behavior patterns that curb our progress. You can best achieve sustainable growth and a greater sense of well-being with an integrative approach to wellness. Working with your medical doctor you can determine what's best for you, and in some cases a combination of medication and therapy is the right course of action.

RESOURCES for a larger field:
Chronic Pain Anonymous Service Board, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporatin. For meetings:

For Modern residential care Click here to download a copy of the Pain Recovery Program brochure

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Pain are commonly encountered, disabling conditions. One might expect society to accept them as such . . . but often it isn’t the case.

Employers, disability care providers and family and friends have a habit of “pushing back” against the reality of these afflictions. This attitude has a tendency to stigmatize the people that suffer from them, making it difficult for them to be taken seriously, and to have the will to seek the treatment they need. I provide evidenced-based alternative and integrative sessions using a combination of Talk Therapy, Self-Compassion Meditation, Tapping (Energy Psychology), Guided Imagery, Integral Consciousness,Coaching and other techniques and services to help you feel better.

According to research, chronic pain coaching especially using Tapping is a great way to reduce stress and chronic pain and chronic sorrow. And many reasons exist for using coaching. As physicians remove dangerous Opioids from treatment options and insurance companies restrict the use of psychotherapy for the negative affect that often is found paired with chronic pain, a healing service gap develops. They reduce help but do not replace previous treatment with anything else useful.

Due to the healing service gap that exists in the medical system, a strong rationale exists to develop a fast-acting, useful, bio psychosocial spiritual coaching process for chronic pain reduction and the rationale involves these factors.

First, Bark (2011) suggests a coaching system (bio psycho social spiritual) model (BCI) that integrates mind/body/spirit where client and coach to build a strategy together quickly and effectively.

Second, one of the glitches of allopathic pain treatment is the very goal itself to ‘eliminate’ all pain sensation -- usually attempted with chemical analgesics at home. This goal may be unrealistic.

Third, truthfully, however, “most analgesic medications work well, but in only a relatively small percentage of people,” (Moore, Derry, Eccleston, Kalso, 2013, p. 3). Also, Moore et al (2013) reported “analgesic failure rates generally ranged from 55% to >87%” (p. 3). Here's another article about how much doubt there is about the effectiveness of Opiods:

A fourth rationale is that Opioids are dangerous and medical mandates are ordering their discontinuance for chronic pain, but no allopathic interventions have replaced Opioids.

As the fifth rationale, Foreman (2014) reported in her book, that physicians in the U.S. typically receive only about 9 hours of pain education in medical school.

Sixth, coaching could help with some of the painful emotions and thoughts as an alternative or adjunct to expensive and time consuming psychotherapy.

Lastly you may want to check out learning "self-compassion meditation" during coaching sessions. For a fascinating list of medical research outcomes of meditation go to


For best customer service or if you are in need of a session right away, please go to http://www.warner.breakthrough... and register with me there. You can even suggest a session time/date through their system and they will contact me immediately. I will answer your suggested session time/date as soon as possible. I will place you on the list for the first cancellation and sometimes a same day session is available.

Please Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any treatment. All rights reserved.

Other types of help beyond Frontier (we do not endorce or know about their success or outcomes):

Chronic Pain Anonymous Service Board, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. Contact Us

For meetings:

For Modern residential care

Click here to download a copy of the Pain Recovery Program brochure

*Frontier does not provide crisis intervention nor immediate phone or video services. Services are rendered by scheduled appointments rendered with Concierge services within 48 hours. If you are in need of crisis intervention prior to an appointment, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (TTY:1-800-799-4TTY)


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