Anticholinergic: on this website this term will refer to the (side) effects of both some prescription and some over-the-counter medications some of which are known to disrupt the healthy functioning of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Do not reduce, increase or stop taking any prescription medication until you discuss this with your doctor.

Do not add a supplement until you discuss this with your doctor as each person and their list of medications and conditions varies.

However, I would like to bring up the topic that a lot of medications have strong anticholinergic effects such as meds:
  • used for mood issues, anxiety, and other nervous conditions,
  • used for common conditions in middle aged and older
  • such as medications for hyper-tension and cholesterol lowering drugs
  • used for sleep,
  • used for allergies
  • and used for chronic pain conditions (such as muscle relaxers).
Over time these effects can contribute to confusion, memory problems, and problems concentrating. In fact, many of the (expensive) prescription medications used for dementia attempt to increase choline in the brain. Sadly, by the time someone is diagnosed with dementia, it appears to be rather late in the game to improve the situation.

Even if you are not taking any anticholinergics, you should still talk to your health care provider about taking Alpha GPC choline (with food) to maintain wellness.

TIPS: see allergy page for a possible allergy connection.
TIPS: Here are some websites written by medical professionals who can explain the anticholinergic effects:

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