Frontier Integral Energetic Life Dynamics LLC, we bring compassion to your field.

And one of the ways we do this is to minimize any pain related or other psychological annoyances. One problem almost every human struggles with is shame. Sometimes if we lower the emotional shame we lower the chronic pain. According to the dictionary shame is:

“A state of disgrace, discredit or intense regret. That’s how the dictionary defines shame. Shame is a persistent feeling that has the potential to corrode your self-esteem and self-confidence. No doubt about it, shame is a formidable enemy!

Shame is an individual affliction, too. If you are in chronic pain, psychological pain such as shame can contribute to the physical pain you feel. Shame is manifested in as many ways as there are people that suffer from it. Here are some typical things people say about the presence of shame in their lives:

"Bumping into someone (who knew me when I was well) while I'm in a wheel chair or using a walker and having them fuss and focus on my situation. I feel ashamed. Sometimes I feel that way when using grocery-store scooters or handicapped parking spaces."

“Being dependent on others due to medical issues frustrates and shames me.”

“Feeling stuck in a problem makes me feel incompetent.”

"Explaining to old friends why I haven't 'made more progress' such as an inspired career, solid relationships, financial gains etc. Those are on hold because I feel lousy most of the time!"

“Moving on might change my life too much. But staying miserable, ‘not doing anything’ about what’s wrong, is so embarrassing!”

“Experiencing familiar resentments from long ago may seem ridiculous, but I can’t let go of so many negative events.”

“Acrimony is powerful and rage is strong. I feel invincible when I'm stirred up, even though it wastes energy and upsets my loved ones. What hope do I have of being able to break free of the power of rage?”

“An inability to reduce my ‘love-pain’ from broken relationships makes me question my self-worth.”

“I only feel ill will toward one person. If I were to loose it I would have no emotional connection to him/her at all.”

“The possibility of making changes to my life is overwhelming. Anyway, if people notice me changing, their expectations of me will be too high and I'll jinx myself.”

“Some people just don’t deserve happiness; I’m one of them.”

“What do I have to be so depressed about? For years I've tried to convince myself that I’ve got it so much better than other people, yet I still feel down.”

“Maybe I don't deserve to get better. I'm ashamed because I really believe it.”

Can you relate to any of these statements? If so, take heart!

Frontier Integral Energetic Life Dynamics possesses the full spectrum of tools and strategies you need to fight shame and defeat the emotional and physical pain it can inflict. Our customized treatment plans will enable you to emerge with a renewed sense of confidence and purpose for your life.

Put into place constructive strategies for making resentment, anger, shame and blame fade away.

The kind of support we offer our clients is rooted in compassion for, and acceptance of, people harmed by shame. Starting out you may believe revealing the thoughts and actions that sparked your shame will lead to being stereotyped as a selfish or “bad” person. That’s never the case when you consult with Frontier Integral. Knowing that self-induced shame is insidious, we work with you to banish it from your life.

Please Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any treatment. All rights reserved.

Usually, the hesitation at revealing difficult material is not because you really think I will judge you, but, the real hesitation is that it is difficult for you to say out loud and admit to yourself. Self induced shame can be insidious and we can work on it together. GO NOW TO TAKE ACTION!

For best customer service or if you are in need of a session right away, please go to and register with me there. Inside their system you can suggest a session time/date and they will contact me immediately. I will answer your suggested session time/date as soon as possible. I will place you on the list for the first cancellation and sometimes a same day session is available.

After registration on Breakthrough, your contact with me becomes extra private, HIPAA secure.

Other types of help beyond Frontier

Chronic Pain Anonymous Service Board, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation.

Contact Us or for meetings:

For Modern residential care Click here to download a copy of the Pain Recovery Program brochure

*Frontier does not provide crisis intervention nor immediate phone or video services. Services are rendered by scheduled appointments rendered with Concierge services within 48 hours. If you are in need of crisis intervention prior to an appointment, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (TTY:1-800-799-4TTY)

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